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If you experience flight delay while travelling, your rights are as follows, depending on the scenario:


Scenario 1:

You have checked-in on time, but the airline expects a delay of:

  • 2 hours or more in case of flights having a block time of up to 2.5 hours.
  • 3 hours or more in case of flights having a block time* of more than 2.5 and upto 5 hours, or
  • 4 hours or more in case of flights not falling in the above two categories.

Your Right:

You must be offered free of charge meals and refreshments, in relation to waiting time


Scenario 2:

If your domestic flight is expected to be delayed by more than 6 hours:

Your Right:

  • Rescheduled time should be communicated to you more than 24 hours prior to original scheduled departure time
  • The airline shall offer an option of either an alternate flight within a period of 6 hours or full refund of ticket to you.

Scenario 3:

The airline experiences a delay in flight departure communicated more than 24 hours prior to its original scheduled time and if delay is more than 24 hours or more than 6 hours for flights scheduled to depart between 20:00 and 03:00 hours:

Your Right:

Free hotel accomodation

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