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No airline can refuse to carry you along with your assistive aids/devices, escorts and guide dogs


All the necessary information about your specific requirements shall be obtained by the airlines at the time of ticketing/online booking processes


You must notify the airlines about your needs at least 48 hours prior to scheduled departure time


If you are assisted by an escort, the airlines shall make all reasonable efforts to give him/her a seat next to you


Cabin-crew in charge must brief you before taking-off on the emergency procedures, cabin layout and specialized equipment on board the aircraft to cater to your needs


If you are being denied carriage basis your disability, the airline must specify in writing the reasons for same


You hold the highest priority for transportation, including your escorts, if for any reason off-loading has to be done by the airline


If you wish to travel without an escort, you are not required to produce medical certificate or fill up special forms


You will be allocated convenient seats and provided with all relevant and available assistive devices within India without any extra cost


Arrangements for your quick clearance and baggage delivery shall be made by the airlines

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