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Latest travel guidelines for the International passengers arriving from ‘At RISK’ countries

Latest travel guidelines for the International passengers arriving from ‘At RISK’ countries

17 December 2021

As per the latest Govt. guidelines, it is mandatory to pre-book Covid-19 test for all passengers coming from the countries ‘AT-RISK’  or have visited  ‘AT-RISK’ countries in the last 14 days, especially - the ones who are traveling to any of the 6 metro cities namely -  Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad & Mumbai.

This guideline will come into effect from 20th December 2021.

International passengers arriving to any of these 6 metro cities can pre-book test. For booking details visit our FAQ section

Airlines has been advised to check mandatory pre-booking of their passengers before boarding the flight. In case any passenger is having any difficulty in pre-booking, they may not be denied boarding, but it would be the responsibility of the airlines to identify and accompany such passengers to the registration counter at the airport for testing. 

At Delhi Airport, passengers can now pre-book their slots to one of the tests i.e. Rapid PCR or RT-PCR test online, to book, click here

The applicable rates at Delhi Airport as follows 

Cost - Rs.500 Cost - Rs.3500
Duration: 8 to 10 hours Duration: 60 to 90 minutes


Online booking of slots before the test allows passengers to feel comfortable and save time. Once they’re done booking a slot online, they can get the test done while arriving/departing from the Delhi Airport. 

The facility operates 24*7 for both arriving and departing passengers and is equipped with medical staff round the clock. 

We also advice passengers to verify all the above government guidelines with airline or APHO concerned before starting their journey.

Delhi Airport is constantly making sure that flying through DEL is safe for everyone.

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